10. How much money does each family member earn/month? Bernhard earns almost DM4,000 ($2,285 US)/month net. 11. What are your total expenses each month for: Total: DM 2,800 ($1,600 US)/month 12. What is your family's energy consumption and cost? Electricity: DM60 ($34 US)/month Water: DM40 ($23 US)/month 13. How much waste do you generate; and how does your family dispose of its waste ? Local waste system. We separate different kinds of waste. One bag/month. 14. Does your family buy, produce, or sell foreign goods? No. Family Possessions 15. What is each family member's most valued possession? Why? Brigitte and Bernhard: Basket containing Brigitte's family history in letters, documents, her ponytails, pictures, etc. Manuel: Pocketknife. Christian: Model garbage truck. 16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? New kitchen outfit/new fridge. 17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? More income. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? Pictures, posters, pottery. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We prefer old things because they are more decorative.